Iry Joseph Lejeune was born October 27, 1928 into a musical family of country farmers. At a early age, it was noticed that Iry had impaired vision that seemed to follow the Lejeune family. At a early age he began playing the harmonica. Then at age 6 he began playing the accordion. He began playing on his father's accordion even though his father was worried he would break it. Iry went wherever he could to hear and learn accordion. He learned most of the time from his father and his great uncle, Angelas Lejeune.

After Iry's first recordings, his music begain to take off. Iry met Eddie Shuler at the time when Eddie's band had a show on KPLC. He wanted Eddie to put out his records out and the pair worked out a deal and soon Shuler was putting out Iry's records. He was even recording Iry at his home.
Eddie recalls:
"I bought a tape recorder, and it cost $237, which was alot of money. We went to Iry's house when we first started,
and he lived in a old house out there in Lacassine. We'd put the machine on the kitchen table and cut these things..."
The first session at Iry's home in Ardoin Cove was recorded on Shuler's reel to reel recorder. Playing with Iry on the session was Milton Vanicor on fiddle and Eddie Shuler on guitar. The first sessions were recorded in one night and was believed to be recorded in November 1952.
"Church Point Breakdown" was a ode to the town of Church Point, not far from where Iry grew up. Iry converted Angelas Lejeune's "Le Petite One Step" into his own the number. Its one of the few Iry releases that Eddie pressed only on 45rpm.
"Eh ye yaille, malheureuse!
Tous les jours dans ma maison,
J'apres mais t'esperer.
Eh, rappelle-toi, catin,
Ton papa et ta maman t'a toujours
De pas faire ca avec ton negre.
Eh ye yaille, tous les jours
Apres souffert dans ma maison
Plus personne qui vient me
Tite fille, tous les jours tu connais
Pour venir puis voir
Quo faire que, moi, j'suis la'.
Eh, bebe, tous les jours
Moi j'suis la sus ma galerie
Apres esperer pour ton vieux
Oh, tu devrais jamais m'oublier
'Tant loin q'moi j'm'en vas te dire
Donc garde donc j'm'ennuie de toi"

Ron Yule- Wailin The Blues Cajun Style
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